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News | 5 October 2022

Remarketing of mobiles – Professionally delete data and conserve resources

Today, cell phones and tablets are the linchpin of business communication. This makes it all the more important to have appropriate data security for further use, coupled with professional remarketing. CC4 offers both at the highest international standard.

CC4’s services ensure that IT equipment is used for longer in order to conserve resources. A special focus is naturally the remarketing of mobiles, cell phones and tablets. This area has become increasingly important in recent years. The short product and replacement cycles for mobiles present many companies with completely new challenges. What happens to the volumes of retired devices that actually still work well? How can I safely delete the devices and pass them on to third parties? Can I act in a sustainable and resource-saving way here?

CC4 has the right answers and solutions to all these questions. Because we collect your old cell phones and tablets and put them to a new use. And this is highly secure and with the possibility of generating revenue for you.
With the top industry solution Securaze®, the devices are diagnosed, audited and cleared according to the highest international standard (Common Criteria). All functional devices that are visually and technically flawless are resold by us. Either through our international broker network or directly through our online store, Onkel Klaus (Uncle Klaus). This platform also offers the possibility of a tax-advantaged employee sale. Devices that can no longer be used are disposed of in a sustainable manner.
A second life for your mobiles conserves resources, brings joy to the new owners and offers the opportunity to generate revenue.