Press Area
René Rubant is the new CEO of CC4 Austria
With 1 October 2022 René Rubant has taken over the management of CC4Remarketing GmbH. To meet the enormous tasks of the successful growth course owner representative Ernst Schöny, industry professional René Rubant brought on board.
Today, cell phones and tablets are the linchpin of business communication. This makes it all the more important to have appropriate data security for further use, coupled with professional remarketing. CC4 offers both at the highest international standard.
CC4 almost completely energy neutral thanks to own photovoltaic system
A livable world is the focus of CC4. That's why we are on the road to ensuring that IT equipment is used for longer in order to conserve resources. So it was only logical to generate the company's energy needs sustainably. Therefore, in the middle of 2021, a powerful photovoltaic system was installed on the roof of the company headquarters. After one year of operation, we can draw a successful balance.
Birgit Sikora is the new sales manager at CC4
Since April 1, 2022 Birgit Sikora strengthens the management team of CC4Remarketing GmbH.